‘Thirst Tea?’ Tetley asks Australians as they launch Cold Infusions

‘Thirst Tea?’ Tetley asks Australians as they launch Cold Infusions
10 October 2019 225 words 1-MINUTE READ
Specially created to be brewed with cold water, the four delicious flavours of Tetley Cold Infusions are designed to give water a refreshing twist. The launch targets consumers who find drinking water boring, with the campaign encouraging dehydrated Aussies to say, ‘Bye bye boring H20, hello hydration’.

Tetley in Australia is kicking of their launch of Cold Infusions with an integrated campaign featuring popular comedian and actor Celia Pacquola asking Australians if they are ‘Thirst Tea?’ Specially created to be brewed with cold water, Tetley Cold Infusions in Strawberry & Watermelon; Raspberry & Cranberry; Orange & Peach and Mint, Lemon & Cucumber flavours are designed to give water a refreshing twist.

The launch targets consumers who find drinking water boring, after a large-scale hydration survey revealed that almost 80% of Australians are dehydrated! The Cold Infusions segment is one of the fastest growing in the tea category, representing 7% of the total tea category in just one year.

Reversing the Australian trend of promoting hydration using models, fitness gurus and influencers, comedian Celia Pacquola, flips the stereotypes in a light-hearted way, encouraging dehydrated Aussies to say, ‘Bye bye boring H20, hello hydration’.

Click here to watch the new TV commercials.

The range launched in major grocers, Woolworths and Metcash (IGA) in September with a seasonal job buy hitting Aldi shelves this month.

Gale McLardie, TGBA’s Marketing Director commented, “We’re excited about what our new Tetley Cold Infusions can do to help Australians enjoy drinking more water. The ‘Thirst Tea?’ campaign, with Celia at its heart, delivers our message in a fun-loving, down-to-earth way that fits with our consumers and the Tetley brand.”